Monday, March 29, 2010


Yaps Rosevelt. I am that bored that i am gonna write a bit like a tiny bit on Rosevelt and leave you guys links and pictures of this band.

I feel in love with this band when i first saw them performing in 2009. It was a TAR College event, Talent Time Night, and i went guuguugaagaa over Nick *like d''uhh everyone goes guuguugaagaa over Nick* I mean come one who doesnt??!  I  enjoyed the bands performance, but i had no choice but to drool over Nick. *sorry*

Soon after Talent Time Night, i went to watch Kaki Blue, one of my cast mates was in that production, while i was enjoying Kaki Blue, guess who was in it?? 


and yeah i guess you'd have understand how a teenage love struck girl would feel right.

I met Bryan a few days before the second semester started. And i know i left an incredible impression on him, the first day i met him, was the first day i smacked him right on the head. It wasnt my fault i saw a mosquito, i had to smack it, it was sucking Bryan's bald head away.

An incredible personality, who eats, and makes you hungry. 

Better known as Botak and he is insane on the drums.

Oh and y'all might have seen him on tv, newspapers and magazine 

Ok before i continue, the only person i know is Bryan, I've tweeted with Josh and that's it.

So Josh, the guitarist, i is love his skills, like seriously. You've got to watch him when he plays, its as if he is glued on to his guitar. =D

Then there is Kush! AWESOME HAIR , like OMG HAIR! 
He is the bassist of Rosevelt,

I have no idea on what to say already except

Go Go Go

Support you local acts, go and read  more on Rosevelt
Support them Kaw Kaw!
They is AWESOME i tell you!

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